Our Markets provide not only fruits and veggies but goods from a large variety of artisans - meat, cheeses, breads, desserts, jams, honey, seasonings, art, accessories, and apparel.
Carrollton Artisans Mkt
Carrollton Artisans Mkt
Carrollton Artisans Market
Carrollton Artisans Market
Carrollton Artisans Market
Trinity Valley
Over 20 vendors serving the community with market staples, including produce, meat, eggs, honey, breads, and jam. Patrons can indulge in savory sweets such as pastries, pie, cookies, and candies. Come stroll through the Market on Sunday to sample the wares from local artisans.

2722 N. Josey ln, Carrollton

Address: 2722 N. Josey ln, Carrollton

Hours: 10am to 2pm

Manager:Cheryl Norris

(281) 544-0287
See you next week!
See you next week!
See you next week!